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Jesus Christ, Son of Mary, Son of God, is the centre of

the Rosary Community where we live, love and learn together



Music is a powerful, unique form of communication that can change the way pupils feel, think and act.  It enables personal expression, reflection and emotional development.  As an integral part of culture, past and present, it helps pupils understand themselves and relate to others, forging important links between the home, school and the wider world.  The teaching of music develops pupils’ ability to listen and appreciate a wide variety of music and to make judgements about musical quality.  It encourages active involvement in different forms of amateur music making, both individual and communal, thereby developing a sense of group identity and togetherness.  It also increases self-discipline and creativity, aesthetic awareness, sensitivity and fulfilment.

Listen and Appraise 

We Play the song and find the pulse.

After listening, we talk about the song and answer the questions together using correct musical language.

How does the music make you feel?

Musical activities

Making links to other subjects


Perform and Share

Music is a powerful, unique form of communication that can change the way pupils think, feel and act. It enables personal expression, reflection and emotional development. As an important part of culture, past and present, it helps pupils understand themselves and relate to others.


The teaching of music develops pupils’ ability to listen and appreciate a wide variety of music and to make judgements about musical quality. It encourages active involvement in different forms of music making, both individual and communal, thereby developing a sense of group identity and togetherness. It also increases self-discipline and creativity, aesthetic awareness, sensitivity and fulfilment.


In addition to their weekly music lessons which follow the Charanga scheme of work, pupils at the Rosary come together and use music to celebrate and give thanks to God in weekly hymn practices. Year 4 pupils all learn to play an instrument (currently either brass or woodwind), which they can choose to carry on learning in Years 5 and 6. There are termly concerts where we play to the rest of the school and our parents. 

The Music Curriculum

Jesus Christ, Son of Mary, Son of God, is the centre of

the Rosary Community where we live, love and learn together
