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Jesus Christ, Son of Mary, Son of God, is the centre of

the Rosary Community where we live, love and learn together

3. What type of provision does the school make for pupils with SEND?

It is the class teacher’s responsibility to ensure that all children are supported within lessons using a range of teaching and learning strategies appropriate to their needs.  This means that activities are planned according to the level the pupil is working at. This approach is known as Quality First Teaching (QfT). Adaptive teaching strategies are also employed to ensure access for all.


For some children, Quality First Teaching isn’t enough to ensure progress and so targeted support may be required. This will mean;

  • extra support within the classroom with specific targets to ensure progress
  • small group work, possibly outside of the classroom, focusing on specific targets


There may be some pupils who have a higher level of need and may require an individualised programme of support.  This may include;

  • acting on advice from other professionals e.g. external agencies
  • 1:1 intervention programmes


Following a programme of support, it may be appropriate to make an application for an Education, Health & Care Plan (EHC plan) for these pupils.  Advice will be sought from appropriate outside agencies in these cases.


If you would like to know more about the EHC process please speak to Mrs Banks or Miss Khatoon. Alternatively please see the local offer information here:


For pupils who require additional support for social or emotional needs, we have a team of Learning Mentors who are able to provide this support within school.  This may include group sessions, 1:1 mentoring or play therapy amongst other support options. If a pupil would benefit from more specialised support, external agencies may be contacted. You will always be consulted if we feel that your child would benefit from such support.

Jesus Christ, Son of Mary, Son of God, is the centre of

the Rosary Community where we live, love and learn together
