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Jesus Christ, Son of Mary, Son of God, is the centre of

the Rosary Community where we live, love and learn together

4. How does the school identify and assess SEND?

At The Rosary, we have a variety of different ways to assess whether a pupil has Special Educational Needs, some of these ways include;

  • observations
  • school based assessment results
  • information from parents and carers
  • specialised assessments completed by members of the school’s support services
  • information from previous settings or schools
  • results from end of key stage assessments
  • discussions with staff who work with the pupil on a regular basis
  • information from doctors, paediatricians or other medical professionals


Once a pupil is identified as having a special educational need, a graduated approach to the support provided will be taken. This means that an ‘assess, plan, do, review’ approach to support will be undertaken. At the review stage, any changes will be made to support if appropriate. 

Jesus Christ, Son of Mary, Son of God, is the centre of

the Rosary Community where we live, love and learn together
