Home Page

Jesus Christ, Son of Mary, Son of God, is the centre of

the Rosary Community where we live, love and learn together

Helping your Child

Early Reading: Learn the letters and sounds

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Phase 2 sounds: look and hear the sounds

Phase 3

Still image for this video
Look and hear the sounds

Phase 5

Still image for this video
Look and hear the sounds

How to segment and blend sounds

Still image for this video

Marking Symbols


A range of marking symbols are used in pupil books. These symbols are used to recognise what pupils do well but also to help them further develop their learning. 


Marking and feedback



Wow, this is good


I am doing well


I got it right



Verbal Feedback


We talked together to discuss my learning.


I was told what I had done well and how to improve further.


Spelling error


I need to look at this and see if I can correct.


What  next?


A question to make me think more about my learning


Watch Out!


Check something could be missing.




Something I need to work towards to help my learning further




I need to check that my handwriting is neat and formed  correctly

Red pen



I have improved my own work/thinking

Purple pen -

Peer and self-evaluation


I have reviewed my own learning or my friends.


I have thought about what was done well and what could improve it further.

The Curriculum


To find out what is being taught in each subject please refer to the Curriculum section (see link below)


In addition, you may find the attached files useful which document the Curriculum objectives.



All children receive weekly homework. Please ensure that your child completes this and hands it in on time. In addition your child will have a home reading book and a reading record which you should complete together. For children in Year 1 and 2 homework will be given out on a Monday and will need to be returned on Friday. For children in Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 homework will be given out on Friday and returned the following Wednesday.


Parent Workshops


Throughout the year the school arranges a number of Parent workshops; the aim of these is to support parents in assisting their child with their learning. Recent workshops include: E-safety and Reading. Below are some useful tips which you can use to help support your child's education.

Jesus Christ, Son of Mary, Son of God, is the centre of

the Rosary Community where we live, love and learn together
