Our school works with a wide range of external agencies who can provide specialised support where needed. In all cases we have a named professional whom we can contact. This support can include observations in school, discussions with staff or parents, support via email or telephone and staff training where necessary. Referrals for these services are always made following full consultation and consent from parents.
Agency or Service | Who do they work with? |
City of Birmingham School (COBs) | Aims to remove barriers to learning, helping children to achieve the most from their education, reducing exclusions and support inclusive practice. |
Pupil & School Support (PSS) | Children who are working below the levels expected for their age. The PSS teacher will also work with staff offering support, advice and training. |
Educational Psychologist (EP) | Children who have complex needs including those with social, emotional or mental health needs. The EP will always be involved with any child who is referred for an Education, Health & Care plan. |
Communication & Autism Team (CAT) | Children who are being assessed for or already have a diagnosis of Autism or communication difficulties. They will also offer support to families of children with these difficulties. |
Physical Disability Support Service (PDSS) | Children with physical difficulties which impact on their access within the school setting. They will also provide support and training for staff. |
Sensory Support Services (SSS) | Children who have specific sensory needs such as hearing or visual impairments where access within the school setting is impacted. They will also provide support and training for staff. |
Speech & Language Therapy (SALT) | Children with a high level of speech and/or language difficulty. They will provide advice to both staff and parents to aid the work completed in school. |
Father Hudson’s Family Support | Children who are experiencing difficulty with social and/or emotional needs which are impacting upon their daily living. Support is also provided for the family of these children. |
School Nursing Team | Children with medical needs including those where medication/care is required in school. Also provides support for the wider school community through workshops etc. |
Occupational Therapy (OT) | Children with physical difficulties who require programmes of exercise to aid progress. They will also provide support and training for staff. |