Modern Foreign Languages (MFL)
Our MFL curriculum fosters a curiosity in pupils paired with a deeper understanding of God’s world. We believe that this will allow our pupils to develop a positive attitude towards cultural diversity and enables them to compare cultures and values of Britain and France. Speaking, reading and writing more than one language is increasingly important in a world of borderless communications and global travel.
Children in EYFS and KS1 are exposed to simple words, phrases and songs in French. Children in Years 3-6 are learning French and this lesson is taught by their class teacher discretely and during the course of the school day for approximately 45 minutes per week. From each year to the next, the children progress with their learning and understanding of the French language and culture, building their target language vocabulary and developing their understanding of the structure of the language. Each of the four year groups covers six topics linked to the Language Angels scheme of work, which provides opportunities for spoken language, and simple reading and writing activities.
Learning a foreign language at primary school provides opportunities for the children to be active and engaged in their learning and also strengthens their skills in other curriculum areas. By learning collaboratively, through role play, reading stories in the target language, playing games, and learning songs and rhymes, the children learn in a way that is fun and enjoyable.