Year 6

Our Class Saints are St Gerald Majella and St Peter
Year 6 teachers:
Miss Driver and Miss Khatoon
Welcome to our Year 6 page.
Here you can find out about all the wonderful learning that your child is involved in!
Year 6 Curriculum Maps
Year 6 Autumn | |||||||
RE | Building the Kingdom – Catholic Social Teaching | ||||||
We Belong The story of the people of God Followers of Christ Vocations Week Baptism and Confirmations: Sacraments of the Holy Spirit Advent
| Stewardship of God’s Creation Season of Creation
“God made the heavens and the earth and it was good.” Genesis 1:1-31 | Dignity of Work Vocations
‘All work has dignity because it reflects God’s image in us.’ | |||||
English | Maths | ||||||
Reading Fiction: Goodnight Mister Tom Comparison text: Hidden: Stories of children who survived WW2 Non-fiction: WW2 Evacuees stories
Writing Persuasive writing Diary Letter | Reading Fiction: Little Red Riding Hood Comparison: Red Non-fiction: WW2 Poetry: Dulce et Decorum Est by Wilfred Owen
Writing Sequel An article Poetry on WW2
| Place Value •Multiples • Factors • Common factors • Prime numbers • Square numbers
| Operations Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division where pupils observe relationships and choose appropriate strategies. | ||||
Fractions •Equivalent fractions • Simplify fractions • Four rules with fractions •Fractions on a number line • Compare and order (denominator) • Add fractions • Subtract fractions • Mixed addition and subtraction • Four rules with fractions •Fractions on a number line • Compare and order (denominator) • Compare and order (numerator)
| Ratio
Converting units Metric and Imperial | ||||||
Science | MFL | Computing | |||||
Living things and their habitats Habitats, classification, common characteristics, micro-organisms. Electricity Circuits, symbols, brightness of bulbs /loudness of buzzer | Phonics lesson4 A l’ecole Vocabulary for school subjects, subjects they like / dislike, timetable. Regular verbs Er,ir, re verbs | We are programmers Make a text based adventure game | We are computational thinkers. Master algorithms for searching, sorting and mathematics | ||||
Geography | History | Art and Design | Design and Technology | ||||
Globalisation What is globalisation? How has globalisation changed the way we communicate? How does globalisation affect trade? How are globalisation and fashion linked? How does globalisation affect our diet? | What Impact did WWII have on Britain and society? Was WWII inevitable? Why did WW11 occur? What was life like in Britain during WWII? How was Saltley impacted? Why were children evacuated? How did WWII end? | Craft and design Photo Opportunity Exploring photography as a medium for expressing ideas, pupils investigate scale and composition, colour and techniques for adapting finished images. They use digital media to design and create photographic imagery for a specific design brief. | Textiles Using CAD to upcycle to create Advent calendar | ||||
RHE | PSHE | Music | PE | ||||
Session 1: Gifts and Talents Session 2 and 3 Girls and Boys sessions on bodies Session 4: Spots and Sleep Session 5: Body Image Session 6: Peculiar Feelings | How can money affect us? Finance and its role in people’s lives, being a critical consumer what is meant by interest, loan, debt, tax; how resources are allocated and how this affects individuals, communities and the environment; research and debate health and wellbeing issues. | What can we do about risk? Increased independence and responsibility, strategies for managing risk, different influences, resisting unhelpful pressure (drugs), personal safety, managing requests for images; how anti–social behaviours affect wellbeing; how to handle anti-social or aggressive behaviours. | Classroom Happy Pop/Neo Soul, Being Happy | Classroom jazz Bacharach and Blues, Jazz improvisation and composition. | Boot Camp Circuit and fitness
Invaders Tag Rugby | Dynamic Dance Performance, timing, beat, fluency Mighty Movers Boxercise, agility, balance, coordination, fitness | |
Experiences / Trips | Vocations Visitors – Bank Fraud/Author/Police/Lawyer (past pupils) (RE) visit a local supermarket (Asda Bordersley Green) – Geography Globalisation explore packaging and where food comes from |
Year 6 Spring | ||||||
RE | Building the Kingdom – Catholic Social Teaching | |||||
Christmas Multicultural Week Belonging to the Church community Lent Holy Week | Solidarity
“In truth I tell you, in so far as you did this to one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did it to me.” Matthew 25: 40
| Options for the Poor and Vulnerable
“You are not making a gift of your possessions to the poor person. You are handing over to them what is theirs.’ St Ambrose
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English | Maths | |||||
Fiction: The Colour of Home Comparison: My name is not Refugee Non-fiction: Judaism Poetry: Grannie
Newspaper report Non chronological report Narrative based on refugee experience | Reading
Fiction: Pig Heart Boy Comparison: Skellig Non-fiction: Circularitory System
Explanation text Narrative with dialogue Read a wider range of poetry | Geometry:
Position and Direction The first quadrant Four quadrants Translations Reflections Measurement
| Converting Units
Metric measures Calculate with metric measures Convert Miles and kilometres Imperial measures Read, write and convert Read and write standard units to 3 d.p
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Area and perimeter (use formula)
Recognise shapes with same area can have different perimeter Area of a triangle (1/3) Area of parallelogram Volume of a cube/cuboid
| Number: Ratio
Ratio and fractions Calculating ratio Calculating scale factors Ratio and proportion problems
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Science | MFL | Computing | ||||
Light and Sight Light source, how light travels, shadows, sight, white light. Animals including humans Circulatory system, diet and exercise, impact of drugs and alcohol | le week-end What they do at what time at the weekend Les planets Planets in the solar system | We are creators Create a TV advert
| We are computer networkers Explore computer networks including the internet | |||
Geography | History | Art and Design | Design and Technology | |||
Biomes What is a biome? Where are they? What is the tundra? What is the taiga? What are the grasslands? What is the tropical rainforest? How are biomes being damaged? What is in place to protect them? | What is the evidence that the Ancient civilisation of the Indus Valley was a well-developed society? How do we learn about ancient civilisations? Where and when did the civilisation of the Indus valley begin? How did the inhabitants of the Indus Valley live? What were the main achievements of the people of the Indus Valley? What comparisons can be made with Britain at that time? What happened to this ancient civilisation? | Drawing: Make my voice heard On a journey from the Ancient Maya to modern-day street art, children explore how artists convey a message. They begin to understand how artists use imagery and symbols as well as drawing techniques like expressive mark making, tone and the dramatic light and dark effect called ‘chiaroscuro’. | Electrical systems Design, create and evaluate a fairground ride using electrical systems | |||
RHE | PSHE | Music | PE | |||
Session 1: Emotional Changes Session 2: Seeing Stuff Online Session 3: Is God Calling You? Session 4: Under Pressure Session 5: Do you want a piece of Cake? Session 6: Self Talk | What affects our health and wellbeing? What positively and negatively affects health; informed choices; balanced lifestyle; how drugs can affect health and safety; the law and drugs; responsibility for health/wellbeing. | What are human rights? Why and how laws are made, taking part in making and changing rules; importance of human rights and rights of the child.
| A new year carol
Benjamin Britten’s music and cover versions | You’ve got a friend in me The music of Carole King | Cool core Core strength, agility, balance, coordination, breathing exercises
Striking and Fielding Rounders | Gymfit Circuits and fitness
Nimble Nets Tennis |
Experiences / Trips | Jewish Synagogue – RE Multicultural Week Drugs Education Talk (PSHE/RHE) Water Safety Assembly (PSHE) |
Year 6 Summer | |||||
RE | Building the Kingdom – Catholic Social Teaching | ||||
Easter Pentecost Prayers in the lives of the followers of Christ Celebrating the life of Mary and the saints
Family and Community
“Honour your father and your mother, that your days may be long in the land that the Lord your God is giving you.” Exodus 20:12
Life and Dignity of the Human Person
“Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you” Jeremiah 1: 5
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English | Maths | ||||
Extracts used in preparation for SATs – revise gaps
Fiction: The Jungle Book Author: Rudyard Kipling
Comparison Text: The Lion King Author: Don Ferguson
Non-fiction: Current Affairs (persuasive debate)
Poetry: Kennings
Writing Character & Setting to create atmosphere)
Debate |
Fiction: The Road to Nowhere for writing.
Comparison The Curse of Cogston House
Non-fiction: Saltley – What are the origins of the local area?
Comparison Text: School behaviour log from the past
Writing Short story with suspense An explanation text
| Revise gaps in preparation for SATs
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Transition projects
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Science | MFL | Computing | |||
Animals including humans Circulatory system, diet, exercise, drugs and alcohol Evolution and Inheritance Darwin’s Theory of Evolution, fossils, adaptation and evolution, GM. | La seconde guerre mondiale World War 2 moi dans la monde Different festivals around the world, similarities and differences, protecting our planet. | We are Communicators and Collaborators Create a year book | We are Producers Use mapping and media to document a trip | ||
Geography | History | Art and Design | Design and Technology | ||
Local fieldwork project Why do geographers use fieldwork? How do Geographers devise their own enquiry questions? Can we collect data to answer our own question? How can we present the data we collect? Can we answer our question? | What is the impact of immigration on Saltley? What are the origins of the local area? How did World War 11 impact on the area? How did migration change the area after the war? What was the Battle of Saltley? How has St Peter’s College changed? What is the legacy? | Sculpture and 3D: Making memories Creating a personal memory box using a collection of found objects and hand-sculptured forms, reflecting primary school life with symbolic and personal meaning. Painting and mixed media: Artist Study Identifying an artist that interests them, children research the life, techniques and artistic intentions of that individual. Collecting ideas in sketchbooks, planning for a final piece and working collaboratively, they present what they have learnt about the artist | Food and culture Plan and create 3 course meal to celebrate end of primary school | ||
RHE | PSHE | Music | PE | ||
Session 1: Sharing Isn’t Always Caring Session 2: Cyberbullying Session 3: Types of Abuse Session 4: Impacted Lifestyle Session 5: Making Good Choices Session 6: Giving Assistance Session 1: The Trinity Session 2: Catholic Social teaching Session 3: Reaching Out | First Aid BEP Transition Project | Music and me Create your own music inspired by your identity and women in the music industry
| Reflect, rewind and replay Classical music: The history of music, look back and consolidate your learning, learn some of the language of music | Gym Sequence Movement fluency, balance, counterbalance OAA Plan an orienteering trail, use a compass when following a map | Fitness Frenzy Circuit, strength, stamina Young Olympians Sports Day
Experiences / Trips | Police Talk on Gang Crime (PSHE) Geography Field Trip Walk around the local area – History – Comparing Saltley past and present |