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School Dinners

The Rosary Catholic Primary School encourages healthy eating and lifestyles. We have a well-equipped kitchen who provides school dinners. Our school dinners menus follow a 3-week cycle. The menus are designed to offer choice and nutritional  balance. 

School dinners are available free to all pupils from Reception to year 2. For other pupils in years 3 and above school dinners are available. The cost is £12.50 a week ( £2.50 a day). School dinners should be paid for using an online payment system. If you wish to order school dinners notify the office, please give a half term notice.

Packed Lunches

In order to promote healthy living only healthy packed lunches are allowed. Please ensure that your child does not bring in crisps, sweets, chocolate, fried food or fizzy drinks. See the link below for ideas on creating healthy lunch boxes.


A daily carton of milk can be supplied to your child. this can be ordered on a half term basis. If works out at a £1.25 per week ; so a 7 week half term would be £8.75. All school payments are completed online. Please ask the office about setting up an online payment account.


Dehydration causes tiredness and reduces pupils attention. All pupils are allowed to bring in a water bottle from home and they are able sip at water throughout the day. In addition water fountains are available in the main school playground.


Breakfast club starts at 8.15am for all pupils. This will be supervised by school staff. 


Mid-Morning Snack

Pupils in nursery to year 2 are provided daily with fresh fruit if they wish to have a mid-morning snack.  The school provides fresh fruit once a week for pupils in years 3 and above.  If your child is allergic to any specific fruit please notify the school. Pupils are welcome to bring additional fruit from home for a mid-morning snack.

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