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Jesus Christ, Son of Mary, Son of God, is the centre of

the Rosary Community where we live, love and learn together

Year 4

Welcome to Year 4

Our class saints are St Peter and St Thomas More


Welcome to Year 4 :)



4C: Mrs Curry

4S: Miss Samiha


Some key expectations for Year 4:

We are in school to learn so we expect everyone to be ready to learn as soon as they arrive in the morning (8.45am at the latest).

Homework in given out on a Friday and is checked on a Wednesday. Please ensure your work is completed to a high standard. 

Banded reading books are changed on a Wednesday but children are also asked to choose a book from the reading corner and this can be changed at any time. Children must read with an adult at least three times each week. 


PE days are Monday and Wednesday. 


Parents, if you have any questions, please do see any of the year 4 teachers at the end of the day. 


Thank you!

Helping Your Child


In Year 4 your child will take part in the multiplication check. Please use the link below for Times Tables Rockstars, where your child can practise their times tables.  

The Rosary Reading Club


Share your favourite book and tell us why you liked it:  

Year 4 Curriculum Maps


Please click on the icons below to see the topic map for each term.

Learning in Year 4

We loved learning about the Vikings!

We have been creating reports about Thomas Edison

We really enjoyed the Bio Blitz!

'Painting with scissors'

Art- Collaborative Art

Jesus Christ, Son of Mary, Son of God, is the centre of

the Rosary Community where we live, love and learn together
