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Jesus Christ, Son of Mary, Son of God, is the centre of

the Rosary Community where we live, love and learn together


English Aims

Our innovative English curriculum enables and encourages children’s reading, writing and oral communication and overall creativity. Pupils are taught to read fluently with understanding whilst developing the desire to read widely and deeply for pleasure and information. Pupils will acquire a wide vocabulary and will apply the key skills of spelling, grammar and punctuation for reading, writing and spoken language. They will write clearly, accurately, coherently and neatly for a range of contexts, purposes and audiences.

At The Rosary Catholic Primary we feel that reading is extremely important and we want to encourage all children to read a wide range of quality texts. We think it is valuable that they enjoy reading and this can be reinforced at home if they read to an adult as often as possible.


Our four key areas are:



Other opportunities to read:


Home Reading Records

You will be given a Home Reading Record. Every week we ask you to record a minimum of 3 comments about what you are reading - noting the title and author of the book, the pages you read and your comment. A comment can be written by you or by the person who listened to you read but reading records should be signed by a parent or guardian. Try not to be brief when making comments in your book by saying things like 'This is a good book' or 'I didn't like this book', instead they should pick out the most exciting words you can find and list them. This would include vocabulary such as phrases, similes, verbs, adjectives or nouns which you think are powerful and exciting and that you could magpie for your own writing. It could also be words or phrases that you didn't know the meaning of and you have looked it up in a dictionary and then recorded it in your reading record. Your reading record and reading book must be in school everyday.


Visiting the Library

As often as possible, classes visit the school library with their teacher. This is a time for you to change your books and take out new books. It is also a great opportunity to ask your teacher or the librarian about books they might recommend. We strongly encourage you to visit the library in your own time too, at breakfast club or lunchtimes, because we know you will be reading all the time so you will want to change your books often!


If you are also lucky enough to be able to visit a library near to where you live, we would really recommend it. Mrs Curry keeps a great collection of books in our school library but you will be able to get lots of different and exciting titles by going to another library as well. 

Examples of student's work

Our Growing Vocabulary Display

Can you help your children with their challenging vocabulary? Can they use the word within a new sentence?


Reception: Miracle

Year 1: Astounding

Year 2: Flexible

Year 3: Evacuee

Year 4: Reign

Year 5: Treacherous

Year 6: Reluctant

Questions to help with home reading

Click on the link below - it will take you to videos of the letter sounds so that you can practise at home.

Phonics at the Rosary


At the Rosary Catholic school we teach phonics through the Sound Start (based on Letters and Sounds) Programme.


Sound Start Phoics aims to improve children's speaking and listening skills as well as preparing children for learning to read and spell by developing their phonic knowledge and skills. It sets out a detailed and systematic programme for teaching phonic skills for children starting by the age of five, with the aim of them becoming fluent readers by age seven.


What Are Phonics Phases?

The Letters and Sounds Programme is broken down to teach sounds in a certain order, these are called phases.

Although, there are some words that cannot be broken down easily-we call “tricky words”. These are taught separately to the children.


Phase One

In this phase, activities are separated into seven areas, including environmental sounds, instrumental sounds, body sounds, rhythm and rhyme, alliteration, voice sounds and finally oral blending and segmenting.

Phase Two

In phase two children learn 19 letters of the alphabet and one sound for each. The =y begin blending sounds together to make words. They are also encouraged to segmenting words into their separate sounds. At this stage they should begin reading simple captions.

Phase Three (Reception)
Phase three focuses on the remaining 7 letters of the alphabet, one sound for each. Graphemes such as ch, oo, th representing the remaining phonemes not covered by single letters. In this phase children practise reading captions, sentences and questions. Once they have completed this phase, children will have learned the "simple code", i.e. one grapheme for each phoneme in the English language.

Phase Four

In phase four, correspondences are taught and no new grapheme-phonemes are added. Children learn to blend and segment longer words with adjacent consonants, e.g. swim, clap, jump.

Phase Five

(Throughout Year 1)
During this phase children move on to the "complex code". Children learn more graphemes for the phonemes which they already know, in addition to different ways of pronouncing the graphemes they already know.

Phase Six

(Throughout Year 2 and beyond)
In year 2 and up children work on spelling, including prefixes and suffixes, doubling and dropping letters etc.


What are “Tricky words”?

Tricky words are words that cannot be ‘sounded-out’ but need to be learned by heart. They do not contain the usual spelling patterns. In order to read simple sentences, it is necessary for children to know some words that have unusual or untaught spellings. When teaching these words, it is important to always start with sounds already known in the word, then focus on the 'tricky' part.


What are High Frequency words?

High frequency (common) are words that recur frequently in much of the written material young children read and that they need when they write.


What do the Phonics terms mean?

Phoneme: The smallest unit of sound in a word, e.g. c/a/t, sh/o/p, t/ea/ch/er.

Grapheme: A letter or group of letter representing one sound, e.g. sh, igh, t.

Clip Phonemes: when teaching sounds ,always clip them short ‘mmmm’ not ‘muh’

Digraph: Two letters which together make one sound, e.g. sh, ch, ee, ph, oa.

Split digraph: Two letters, which work as a pair, split, to represent one sound, e.g. a-e as in cake, or i-e as in kite.

Trigraph: three letters which together make one sound but cannot be separated into smaller phonemes, e.g. igh as in light, ear as in heard, tch as in watch.

Segmentation: means hearing the individual phonemes within a word – for instance the word ‘crash’ consists of four phonemes: ‘c – r – a – sh’. In order to spell this word, a child must segment it into its component phonemes and choose a grapheme to represent each phoneme.

Blending: means merging the individual phonemes together to pronounce a word. In order to read an unfamiliar word, a child must recognise (‘sound out’) each grapheme, not each letter (e.g. ‘th-i-n’ not ‘t-h-i-n’), and then mergethe phonemes together to make the word.

Mnemonics: a device for memorising and recalling something, such as a hand action of a drill to remember the phoneme /d/.

Adjacent consonants: two or three letters with discrete sounds, which are blended together e.g. str, cr, tr, gr. (previously consonant clusters).

Comprehension: understanding of language whether it is spoken or written.



Jesus Christ, Son of Mary, Son of God, is the centre of

the Rosary Community where we live, love and learn together
