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Jesus Christ, Son of Mary, Son of God, is the centre of

the Rosary Community where we live, love and learn together

Year 6

Welcome to Year 6!


Your teachers this year will be:


Miss O’Shea

Mrs Gough 

Mr Dowling 


Our class saints are St Therese of Lisieux and St Gerard Majella


Helping your child


Please find resources below that will support your child as they prepare for their SATs in May.

CGP Books 


Remember to use your CGP Revision books to revise and work through the questions.


Use your homework book for writing your answers in. Miss O’Shea, Mrs Gough or Mr Dowling will check these for you. 

Year 6 Curriculum Maps


Please click on the icons below to access the curriculum maps for each term in Year 6.

Year 6 Expectations




Homework will be set for English and Maths once a week every Friday; it will be expected back into school along with their reading book and diary on a Tuesday.





Children will be issued with a reading book every week.


They must read at least four times per week and record what they have read into their reading record books.


Children must return their reading books each Friday and their reading record will be checked. 




PE lessons will take place twice a week on Wednesday and Thursday. Children will be expected to take their PE kit home each week in order for it to be washed.


It must come back into school every Monday.

Autumn 1 English Focus

World book Day - Thursday 7th March

The plan for the day:

No donations necessary.

Children will be able to wear a costume (if they wish), but it will have to be one they have made rather than bought in a shop.

Their costume could be based on an author, a book or a word.

Homework Task: Create a mini 'Book in a Box'. 

For this you can find a small box and then in the box they can recreate a scene from a book. These are to be made at home and brought into school on the day.

Thank you so much to the parents who helped out with our BioBlitz!

Jesus Christ, Son of Mary, Son of God, is the centre of

the Rosary Community where we live, love and learn together
